October 2024
Copyright August6, 2024 *Mary Elizabeth Hoffman* All Rights Reserved
Energies for October 2024 have strong emotional activations throughout the month. The first three weeks of October is influenced by a grand water trine between Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Cancer and Saturn in Pisces all around the midpoint of their signs signaling huge transformation on a heart, caring, compassion level between masculine/feminine, yang/yin, dominance/cooperation, will/empathy. The Human Kingdom faces its deepest fears of the illusions perpetuated by those seeking control and manipulation in order to steer destiny to their benefit. The illusions of separation, abandonment and aloneness and the true meaning of unconditional love and Balanced Reciprocity is revealed fully in a lived experience to all members of the Human Kingdom - including those who consider themselves elite, different, better than the masses.
The Human Kingdom during October 2024 begins the great transformation process set in motion by karmic destiny as all seek to let go of past familiar illusions, beliefs, concepts and ideas opening to a greater flow of Balanced Reciprocity as symbolized by the figure 8 or infinity symbol of Cosmic flow. As each member of the Human Kingdom crosses over their own bridge(s) from past, to present to future - traversing personal chasm(s) of fear - transformation of the Soul Heart energies facilitates a deeper, more intimate connection with all life and all beings throughout the Cosmos in all times, spaces and dimensions with all Kingdoms - Devic, Imaginal, Elemental, Angelic, Integral, Creator/Primordial and Human.
As the false etheric walls, lines and waves of separation dissolve creating bleed through for each and every member of the Human Kingdom, a new level of sensitivity to what is being experienced by the earth and all its inhabitants shall ensue. This transformation of the Soul Heart into experiencing empathy with all beings shall activate actions which are destined to alter the self destructive direction the Human Kingdom has been headed, in its false belief it is in control and exists outside of Cosmic Law. Whether this transition takes place in a smooth easy manner within the Cosmic Flow of Balanced Reciprocity or is resisted showing up in more traumatic dramatic confusing sudden ways is an individual choice for each member of the Human Kingdom.
This emotional transformation of the Soul Heart spanning the next 48 months shall be an initiatory process whereby the Human Kingdom traverses through Hades - the Underworld - experiencing the ‘dark night of the soul’ where shadows dwell in deep underground caverns of the psyche. Whether one chooses to experience this for the full 48 months due to resistance or embraces the opportunity for transformational soul growth is an individual choice for each member of the Human Kingdom. Many ancient myths and stories regarding these ‘underworld” types of initiations when researched, studied and read may reveal tremendous transformational symbology, abilities, knowledge, wisdom and truth. We Cat Beings are attuned to those representing Osiris, Hu, Thoth, Hermes and others and are available to share this information if desired. One need only ask and it shall be revealed.
Overlaying this Grand Water Trine for the month of October 2024 is a T-Square of Cardinal Signs between Cupido in Capricorn and the Moon’s Nodes in Aries (north) and Libra (south) amplified by the Moon in Virgo directly opposite Neptune in Pisces squaring Jupiter in Gemini creating a second T-Square for the first few days of October 2024. These T-Squares activate tremendous expansion, knowledge, wisdom, truth and revelations within one’s own Halls of Records and that of planet Earth. One has the opportunity as a member of the Human Kingdom to integrate huge treasure troves of wisdom empathically embodying it physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally for future reference.
October 2, 2024 at 10:50 am PST, 1:50 pm EST, 6:50 pm GMT, 7:50 EET is New Moon Eclipse with a merkaba formation of a T-Square in Cardinal signs between Cupido in Capricorn and the Sun, Moon, Mercury, the Moon’s South Node and Lilith conjunct each other in Libra and the Moon’s North Node in Aries overlain with a Cardinal Water Trine between Venus in Scorpio (near the Scorpio Point of Avatar) Mars and Hades in Cancer and Saturn in Pisces raining down upon the earth the Cosmic sparkles of crystal blue white light of the stars from the Mother of All Creation. The spin of these energies shall swiftly sweep away the dross and debris no longer able to be utilized to give birth to the newly forming etheric energies on planet earth. With Pluto now retrograde for its last pass through late Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus sudden and disruptive change shall be the order of the day for those unaligned and unattuned to the Cosmic energies of Balanced Reciprocity raining down upon the earth and all upon and within it. For those connecting to the ancient Perfected Vision of Balanced Reciprocity within the Cosmos through meditation, dreams, visions, dance, music and song the ability to flow with the Balanced Reciprocity of the rhythm of the Universe as it shifts into creating a deeper more intimate relationship with all beings is possible. The stellium of planets in Libra on this New Moon Eclipse facilitates a re-member-ing of all parts to the Cosmic Whole. The trine between Pluto Retrograde in late Capricorn and Uranus is late Taurus signals huge portal openings bringing in the power of the Cosmic Flow of Balanced Reciprocity sweeping away all that impedes it in 3D form with false power structures on a global scale.
October 12, 2024 Pluto goes stationary direct ending the last retrograde in Capricorn, bringing forward motion swiftly for those aligned with the Cosmic power of Balanced Reciprocity. Pluto remains direct in late Capricorn through to November 21, 2024 when it once again puts its powerful energies into harmonizing all vibrationally in Balanced Reciprocity by entering the sign of Aquarius where it remains for the next 20 or so years.
October 17, 2024 at 3:28 am PST, 6:28 am EST, 11:28 am GMT, 12:28 pm EET is Full Moon in late Aries conjunct Chiron with a T-square of Cardinal signs overlaying it - Cupido in Capricorn, and the Moon’s Nodes in Aries (north( and Libra (south) also overlain with the Grand Water Trine between Mars in Cancer, Neptune in Pisces and Venus in Scorpio with Uranus opposite Venus in Taurus amping up emotional energies for good or ill as determined by attitude. These attitudes are ones of fear, grief, guilt and greed or love, joy, ecstasy and generosity. This powerful full moon amplifies and culminates transformation and clarification of Balanced Reciprocity in regards to all interactions and relationships - especially those between yin and yang - regardless of the anatomical body in which one resides. Those who have attained Balanced Reciprocity within themselves and those close to them shall celebrate their coming together during this time. Those still at odds with themselves projecting this imbalance out into the world onto others shall discover the blow back is extremely uncomfortable.
The next New Moon is on All Hallows Day November 1, 2024 at 4:48 am PST, 7:48 am EST, 12:48 pm GMT, 1:48 pm EET bringing two new moons in November 2024 and shall be felt days before, days after and the day of the New Moon. Influenced by trines in Earth, Water and Fire signs the one in Water a Grand Trine between Mars, Neptune and Mercury denoting tensions and emotions running high. These may be expressed as anxiety, excitement, anger or fear based on the soul growth level of each member of the Human Kingdom.
October 2024 is a time of keeping one’s own council, following one’s own Soul heart, Inner Truth Center, guidance and wisdom. Invite and invoke We Cat Beings to assist in the purrfection of expression in the wisest and best interest of all beings.
The Cat Beings through Mary Elizabeth Hoffman