December 2024
Copyright September 1, 2024 *Mary Elizabeth Hoffman* All Rights Reserved
December 2024 begins and ends with a New Moon, so two New Moons in December 2024 - the first in Sagittarius, the second in Capricorn. A plethora of planets traversing the Galactic Center December 2024 promises many revelations in regards to what is truly ‘known’. Particularly with Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius until the Full Moon in mid December the potential for all manner of gossip, hearsay, false stories, insinuations and innuendos and out and out lies may circulate globally throughout industries, companies, countries, groups and organizations. The potential for catastrophic issues with the internet, hacking, scams and schemes bearing false information is extremely high during this time. It may affect communications, public utilities, transportation and the use of banks, credit institutions and credit cards. Things will look very different between the beginning and the end of December 2024. Use caution, care and diligent awareness in all dealings whether online, at home or out and about. Take nothing for granted. Be prepared for ANYTHING. Continue to LISTEN to your own Inner Truth Center and act upon it rather than trusting what is in the mass media, on the internet or hearsay and gossip from friends, family and neighbors.
The last few days of November 2024 and the first two weeks of December 2024 are preparing all members of the Human Kingdom for the Full Moon energy Oracle Time December 15, 2024. Honing one’s skills at balancing head and heart - thoughts, words, concepts, beliefs and ideas with caring compassion for how those impact those close in proximity and those around the globe shall be ‘tested’ to refine them with the Cosmic Energies of Balanced Reciprocity. As the Mother of All Creation clearly pours the plethora of ways this ‘vision’ of Balanced Reciprocity with all Kingdoms and the Earth into the hearts of all envisioning new ways of expression which bring about healing of ancient soul wounds with honor, respect, sovereignty and love for all these divergent expressions without the use of fear, dominance, control, coercion, manipulation or submission. This is a time for each individual member of the Human Kingdom to discover their Inner Truth Center, their Soul Heart’s path in the present moment and begin moving forward in harmony and unconditional love , harming none, empowered by their willingness to take full responsibility for ALL their choices, actions and the outcomes of these.
With Uranus on the Galactic Center in Sagittarius and Mercury fast approaching it, trine Chiron in Aries Cosmic sparkles resembling fireflies shall rain down upon the Earth and all its inhabitants in all times, spaces and dimensions facilitating a rebirth whereby the toxic memories, his-stories and her-stories of other times, time-lines, spaces, places and dimensions may be integrated and brought into wholeness and Balanced Reciprocity within and without. Since Venus in Capricorn is square Chiron in Aries the stress aspect of these energies which must be brought into balance within and without has to do with letting go of judgement, blame, shame and victim mentality. Discernment as to what is in Balanced Reciprocity for ‘self’, giving others the same free will one desires to express one’s own Balanced Reciprocity brings compassion, caring and love for self AND others. Resistance to discovering ways to express this Balanced Reciprocity from the heart may result in explosive outcomes - showing up in 3D as unexpected, unanticipated explosions, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes in places thought long dormant or considered not part of the earthquake zones. In Truth, all of the Earth has these potentials, especially during this great transition time returning to the Cosmic Flow of Balanced Reciprocity. It is the resistance to seeking this Balanced Reciprocity within or without, projecting it out into the world where others or the Earth and other Kingdoms shall respond to its projection and imbalance. ALL is in flow and flux during December 2024.
Some members of the Human Kingdom may become distracted by the hereditary, familial, society or cultural expectations of these over lapping holiday seasons around the world losing sight of the purpose of aligning seasonally - where ever one resides - with the body of the Earth upon which one find’s one/s self. This is a time of releasing false idols, fake values and commercial endeavors; to let go of the fear, greed and lack built into governmental and economic structures worldwide and become aware of the great gift(s) of being on Earth, in human form and being able to experience the multitude of creativity, joy, pleasure, love and ecstasy of inhabiting a human body on Earth.
December 1, 2024 at 1:23 am PST, 4:23 am EST, 9:23 am GMT, 10:23 am EET is the first New Moon of December, this one in early Sagittarius with Mercury in Sagittarius approaching conjunction with the Galactic Center opposing Jupiter in Gemini calls for flexibility, fluidity and openness when sharing and communicating with self and others (3D and otherwise) as thoughts, feelings and emotions shall carry extra weight during this time due to everyone’s ultra sensitivity to input and stimuli. Sharing, suggestions, options, possibilities and choices shall attract more expansive opportunities opening a great many doors to new paths. Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus facilitates ease of change on a 3D level when unconditional love energies are expressed setting aside hidden or not so hidden agendas. With Mars conjunct Vulcanus in Leo, clarity of Truth as to where each optional path choice may lead is possible to glean. Be sure to take some quiet time away for the hustle and bustle of the world to see clearly the Truth of any hidden agendas or expectations of others. As the Life Affirming Cosmic power of Creation fireflies of crystal blue white light traverse the globe touching all those open to receiving this Balanced Reciprocity harmonization Pluto in earth Aquarius trine the Moon’s South Node in Libra enhances the beauty of this harmonization within and without. The Moon’s North Node in Aries trine Mars and Vulcanus in Leo shines the ‘light of Truth’ on paths and directions which truly express personal power and self responsibility in ways which are in the wisest and best interest of all beings throughout the Cosmos.
December 15, 2024 at 1:03 am PST, 4:03 am EST, 9:03 am GMT, 10:03 EET is Full Moon in Gemini with the Sun conjunct the Galactic Center, the Moon opposing it squaring Neptune in Pisces. This significant t-square challenges internally the true beliefs and faith of each individual member of the Human Kingdom. Questions to ask are: Do you truly trust your own Inner Truth Center, your internal compass, your guides and guardian angels? Do you believe you are ‘safe’ in the Universe (world) and the Universe (world) supports you on your path in your life and work? Does your connection to your Inner Truth Center align you with the Source of All Creation or only select people or groups? Or are you coming from a place of doubt, fear and distrust of your own Soul Heart? A second t-square between Venus conjunct Pluto in Aquarius square Lilith in Scorpio square Mars and Vulcanus in Leo adds to the stressful challenges of discovering the Truth and Harmony of what one values, personally and professionally. Going within to one’s Inner Truth Center and Soul Heart rather than ‘listening’ and being guided by the masses, gurus, teachers or way showers is prudent during this time as it facilitates the transformation of one’s life into a creative thing of beauty, love, trust and truth. This Full Moon is a deep Oracle time; a time for envisioning all future possibilities, options and choices. Saturn in Pisces trine Lilith in Scorpio brings forth the flow of destiny and truth, transforming and transmuting all the partial stories into a panorama allowing one to see the bigger picture and the interconnectedness of all choices, actions, decisions, thoughts, ideas and emotions past, present and future and how they affect the flow and interplay of the adventure of ‘life’ throughout the Cosmos.
December 30, 2024 at 2:28 pm PST, 5:28 pm EST, 10:28 pm GMT, 11:28 pm EET is the second New Moon in December 2024 this one in early Capricorn overlain by a grand Air trine between Pluto in Aquarius, Lilith and the Moon’s South Node in Libra and Admetos in Gemini with Hades and Kronos in Cancer opposing the New Moon signaling a time of intense etheric and vibrational energies permeating everything and everyone on a molecular, cellular level which may lead to irritation, jumpiness, sensitivity to sound or touch, ability to ‘hear’ sounds and tones previously inaudible, a heightened sense of flavors and taste, oral fixations leading to gluttony, craving of sugar in the form of hard candies, suckers, marzipan and chocolate or a pull to ‘experience more’ by experimenting with drugs and/or alcohol in various ways. Caution is advised in that an unseeded bit of guidance from one’s Inner Truth Center due to over indulgence could prove dramatic and traumatic. The key for this New Moon energy is to find Balanced Reciprocity between one’s inner masculine and feminine energies so that one may solidly anchor this harmonizing energy and vibration into one’s self on a deep cellular level. With the Sun and Moon conjunct Appolon in Capricorn opposite Hades and Kronos in Cancer what one empowers on this New Moon that is aligned with one’s Soul Heart Path and Inner Truth Center has the potential to expand beyond one’s wildest dreams. A wise caveat is to invite and invoke what ever is in one’s wisest and best interest and if one has a ‘vision’ or idea how that may show up add that what is desired is not only in one’s wisest and best interest also ask that the ‘vision’ be empowered into it or something more expansive, so as to avoid putting limitations on one’s vision and Life Path.
We Cat Beings are present to assist in all aspects of expressing the Soul Heart’s desire with Unconditional harming none. Invite and invoke our presence in nurturance and unconditional love.
The Cat Beings through Mary Elizabeth Hoffman