February 2025
Copyright December 7, 2024 *Mary Elizabeth Hoffman* All Rights Reserved
February 2025 begins with Pluto returning to its original station before its last retrograde into Capricorn - on May 1, 2024 - at 2 degrees 6 minutes of Aquarius. Now the true harmonizing energies of the sign of Aquarius begin in earnest to rebalance and attune the earth and all upon it to the Cosmic Balanced Reciprocity energies of the figure 8 flow of endings/beginnings, death/rebirth movement/change - and the cycles of the Universe. This rebalancing of the energies of authentic power, harmonization, cooperation, connection, clear communication and abundance permeates the essence of all that is; be it an element of air, water, fire, earth or spirit. Those aligned with these heart felt vibrations shall discover they are able to ascertain the integrity (or lack thereof) of those with whom they associate and are able to clearly see any and all hidden agendas, veils of illusion, deception and misrepresentation wafting towards them at all times.
February 1 is the celebration of the cross quarter day of Imbolc (also known as Candlemas in days of old) signifying the rebirth of spring in the northern hemisphere, usually beginning its celebration festival of fertility and light honoring the Celtic goddess Brigid the evening before. When adopted by the church it became known as Groundhog Day. As these cosmic and earth energies begin to awaken and blend in the Northern Hemisphere attempting to balance and harmonize with each other many shall feel the affects of this dynamic escalation of vibrational power within their electromagnetic energy field affecting the nervous system and in particular the Vegas nerve and all it influences within body, mind, spirit and emotions.
This is a time of recalibration for all beings upon and within the earth sphere as the amplification of the grid throughout the planet responds to the increase in flow along the grid lines everywhere. That which is out of alignment with these incoming energies may respond in ways which seem to require becoming coordinated and balanced in a variety of new ways - mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally to function and move fluidly between 3D and 5D without hindrance and lack of coordination. Spacial relationship issues may arise creating ‘accidents’, mis-steps and disorientation for some. Discovering ways to ‘ground’ one’s self into the present 3D reality in time and space shall be necessary. This shall require a greater effort to connect with place, space and earth in one’s locale in order to remain focused, viable and in forward motion. Getting out into nature shall be of greatest benefit as the ability to align vibrationally with all shifts and changes with ease is enhanced.
The month of February 2025 opens with a stellium conjunction of planets in Pisces - Sun, Venus, Neptune and Moon along with Saturn- creating a t-square in mutable signs with Jupiter in Gemini and the Moon’s South Node in Virgo. This signals a time of necessary intuition as to which direction to ‘swim’ with the stellium in Pisces. Questions to contemplate include do the old frameworks, beliefs, concepts, ideas and ideals long held still apply ? Do they enhance, restrict, limit, expand or provide free flowing movement towards harmonization ? Is there a wisest and best way to expand past previous limitations and beliefs without blame, judgment, rejection or rigid black and white thinking ?
With the Sun, Mercury and Pluto creating a stellium in Aquarius the power of words of peace, harmony and openness shall be great during all of February 2025 and beyond. Adding to this, Uranus in late Taurus trine the Moon’s South Node in Virgo brings with it the opportunity to heal and forgive past words said in fear or anger - letting go of old transgressions - making this an ideal time for the attainment of peace in all past aggressions, invasions, mistreatment and abuse world wide. During this time Mars in Cancer trines the Pisces Stellium of Saturn, Moon, Neptune, Venus and the Moon’s North Node enhancing the possibilities of flowing in new directions of caring, cooperation, compassion and unconditional love with all those who have been considered ‘enemies’ in the past. Discovering that differences no long make others ‘the enemy’ shall prevail as fears associated with this are washed away.
February 4, 2025 Jupiter goes direct in Gemini easing tensions and judgments about the variety of ways expansion, opportunity and growth may be expressed by all. The ability to ‘see’ and ‘comprehend’ the diverse chosen paths designed to harm none by people’s around the globe shall give way to a plethora of ways these paths may be expressed in the wisest and best interest of all harming none - including the earth itself.
February 12, 2025 is Full Moon in Leo at 5:53 am PST, 8:53 am EST, 1:53 pm GMT, 2:53 pm EET influenced by a fixed t-square between Moon in late Leo, Sun and Mercury in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus signaling a time when a tremendous amount of confusion is possible as humanity seeks and searches for a future vision with each individual member of the Human Kingdom choosing whether it shall be expressed with fear or love. Visions of hope, peace and love expressing energies of harmony for the highest good of all expressed and implemented in the wisest and best interest of all life throughout the Cosmos shall be part of those offered to the Human Kingdom as well as options to continue the expression of fear, lack and loss.
Mars in Cancer goes direct February 24, 2025 facilitating movement of the Human Kingdom out of the emotional eddies they have been drowning in for eons due to all the emotional cords perpetuated by various groups, organizations, religions, cultures, institutions and corporations in an attempt to subdue the human spirit. This forward motion of Mars in the nurturing water sign of Cancer supports and enhances the ability of any and all members of the Human Kingdom to break free from the circular motion they have felt trapped within allowing them to swim free in a direction that is in their wisest and best interest.
February 27-28, 2025 is New Moon in Pisces at 4:46 pm PST, 7:46 pm EST, February 28, 2025 1:46 am GMT, 2:46 am EET with the continuing stellium of planets in Pisces - Sun, Moon, Saturn, Mercury, Moon’s North Node and Neptune - leaving all members of the Human Kingdom treading water as they seek a future vision in which to believe. This free will choice shall determine whether their soul heart is activated with trust and love or distrust and fear. Those unable or unwilling to learn to trust their own Inner Truth Center and their connection to the Cosmos shall discover challenges as every turn as they seek outside themselves for direction, purpose and answers. This is a time to befriend one’s self going within; connecting to one’s Soul Heart and Inner Truth Center.
This stellium in Pisces at the New Moon brings with it a great many options for expressions of cleansing, clearing and seeing Truth. With the element of water greatly enhanced, the potential for tremendously deep snows, avalanches, rain and flood events along with levy and dam breaks world wide is extremely high. With Pluto the only planet in an Air sign, the emotions may tend to over run the mind creating great turmoil as each member of the Human Kingdom seeks a way to stay afloat and swim with the constantly shifting emotional currents. This is a time to seek a variety of ways to remain grounded yet movable, symbolically creating or building a canoe, row boat, speed boat, ship, air craft carrier, rubber raft or ark to attain and maintain equilibrium in these rapidly changing times. Since emotions shall be running high, it shall be extremely important to stay connected to one’s Inner Truth Center so as to avoid being influenced by the energies of others in ways which may be detrimental rather than life affirming. Wisdom in regards to who one aligns with shall be extremely important from this new moon, throughout the coming year.
With Pluto the lone wolf in the air sign of Aquarius being the harmonizer, seeking quiet time alone in nature away from the projections, expectations and emotional pollution of those in fear bodes well during this New Moon bringing clarity as to the flow, stream and direction that is in one’s wisest and best interest. Be ware of those seeking to sell, cajole, influence or coerce a specific direction, as there may be hidden agendas desiring to attach to you unnecessarily for their own gain.
We Cat Beings are present at this auspicious juncture in Cosmic history to assist in this harmonization of what is in the wisest and best interest for all beings and the Cosmos. One need only invite and invoke and our energies of love surround.
In light, love, wisdom, truth and timing,
The Cat Beings through Mary Elizabeth Hoffman