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January 2025

Copyright November 6, 2024 *Mary Elizabeth Hoffman* All Rights Reserved

January 2025 is all about the wise use of mental/psychic energy for self, the Earth and all beings, energies and entities.  The air trine between the Moon conjunct Pluto in early Aquarius, Admetos in Gemini and the Moon’s North Node and Lilith conjunct in Libra amplifies a time of lots of mental/psychic input coming into the Earth plane affecting the thoughts, ideas and actions of those who would use their mind in an attempt to create their own reality outside of Cosmic Balanced Reciprocity to meet their own ends and agendas.  Though part of this trine of Pluto conjunct the Moon in Aquarius is fleeting at the beginning of the new year, the ability to ‘dream the dream awake’ in a HARMONIOUS fashion does exist buried deep in the psyche and soul heart of all life forms residing on planet earth.  A great many concepts, ideas, plans, hopes, dreams and desires from the past shall be recycling through the psyche and dream state of Human Kingdom potentially creating mixed agendas, random scattered thoughts and ideas, rambling conversations and communication, an appearance of chaos and confusion on the part of those ‘pretending’ rather than BEING in the present moment.  Pay attention in all dream states, meditation and interactions.

Scattered thoughts, ideas and communications may show up personally or on wider scale in all forms of media - social, political, educational, medicinal, religious and cultural.  More bazaar incongruent ‘stories’ in all these areas of life shall trigger a crisis of ‘truth’ for all members of the Human Kingdom.  Those with a tendency to seek answers from within their own Soul Heart and Inner Truth Center will find themselves better able to adjust to the plethora of seemingly ‘random’ ideas, spoken words and sales pitches that appear to change with the wind; remaining steadfast at their core, grounded in their individual connection to Source.  Those prone to following the crowds, masses and group energies in an attempt to fit in shall experience an over whelming sense of loneliness, disorientation and flailing as they try to plant their feet solidly between Heaven and Earth being a conduit for this powerful influx of energies, as was agreed to by this present Soul Influx.

Saturn in mid Pisces trines Hades and Kronos in Cancer generating whirling pools of emotional energies whipping back and forth, up and down, in and out, around and around in its design to reveal the naked truth of what has long lain hidden in regards to the deceitful representations of ‘knowing what is good or best’ for an-other in order to enslave their free will with pretense of posturing ‘freedom’ that is truly disempowerment.  All the deep seated, unpleasant, useless, antiquated concepts, ideas, beliefs, fears and limitations shall rise to the surface of the psychic emotional ocean of the Human Kingdom to be brought out into the light of day so that the Human Kingdom finally lets go of its fear projected energies saying ‘enough is enough’. This release is inevitable.  The time frame within which it takes place and to what degree of sinister ugliness it will go shall be determined by each and every member of the Human Kingdom. All is free will choice.

With the Moon’s Nodes at zero degrees changing signs from Aries North Node and Libra Soul Node to a Pisces North Node and Virgo South Node remaining in Pisces and Virgo from now until late July 2026, the challenge deep within the psyche of all members of the Human Kingdom shall be to remain in the power of the present moment - aware of the past and cognizant of future potentials - in order to facilitate the healing, restructuring, reordering and reorganizing necessary to align with the Cosmic flow of Balanced Reciprocity OR reap the consequences for actions and choices made outside this alignment - generating fear, chaos and confusion unnecessarily. 

This is an opportunity for each member of the Human Kingdom to align and partner fully with the ‘pure power’ of Creation coming into planet Earth during these next 18 months.  Be aware and beware of heart to heart decisions and choices to prevent being pulled off Path by the whims, desires, excitement, energies and needs of others. Take time to confirm that the heart decisions and choices are truly in one’s wisest and best interest and aligned with one’s Soul Path rather than a ‘false flag’ of seeming destiny that is more karmically based rather than soul growth based.  

January 13, 2025 at 2:28 pm PST, 5:28 pm EST, 10:28 pm GMT, 11:28 pm EET is Full Moon in late Cancer conjunct Mars trining the Moon’s North Node in Pisces overlain with a water trine mid signs between Lilith in Scorpio, Hades and Kronos in Cancer and Venus conjunct Saturn in Pisces and an earth trine between the Sun in late Capricorn, the Moon’s South Node in Virgo and Uranus in Taurus creating a six pointed star, Star of David or Merkabah astrologically all signaling a divine spin of energies between head and heart; heaven and earth, spirit and matter.  In addition Pluto in early Aquarius opposite Vulcanus in Leo brings with it harmonization of Heaven and Earth energies.  With the stellium of planets in Pisces and all the above intensification of energies emotional and physically, the use of sound, toning, chanting, drumming, dancing, singing, walking in nature, hugging a tree, laying on the earth, swimming, soaking or floating is water (ocean, lake or bath) shall all assist in balancing and grounding the physical 3D body to align with these incoming energies thereby avoiding any form of dis-ease or physical, mental or emotional imbalance or illness. 

January 29, 2025 at 4:35 am PST, 7:35 am EST, 12:35 pm GMT, 1:35 pm EET is New Moon in early Aquarius making a wide conjunction to Mercury and Pluto trining Lilith in Libra and Admetos in Gemini.  In addition Venus and Neptune conjunct the Moon’s North Node in late Pisces opposing the Moon’s North Node in Virgo creating a bow and arrow affect astrologically overlaying the above air trine creating a sense of bubbles forming, bursting and reforming - within the human body, the earth, all bodies of water and the sky.  This may generate some unusual phenomenon seen, felt and experienced by those open to it.  This is a perfect time to purchase or make your own soap bubbles and wand utilizing it to release your visions for the future out into the world in search of those beings, spirits, energies and entities with the talent and ability to facilitate their manifestation into 3D. Much of this New Moon energy is about balancing head and heart and healing all memories from the split and power struggles between Atlantis and Lemuria which led to the sinking of both continents eons ago; a scenario best to avoid repeating in the present.

January 30, 2025 at 7:41 am PST, 10:41 am EST, 3:41 pm GMT, 4:41 pm EET is Cosmic Equinox continuing the amplification and support of the New Moon with a plethora of trine energies in water, earth and air signs.  With Pluto conjunct Mercury the use of the breath, sounding, toning, chanting and singing shall facilitate the receipt of many messages from other times, spaces, dimensions, beings, spirits and energies.  Rather than a time to speak, this is an ideal time to get quiet and listen to the whisper of the earth, the forests, the streams, the oceans, the animals, the trees and the beings who inhabit these spaces and places.  New introductions to guides and guardians from other realms shall be facilitated by being quiet, awake and aware.  The introduction to and development of meaningful expansive relationships with beings from other kingdoms of the cosmos and earth are possible during this time.  LISTEN. 


In light, love, wisdom, truth and timing


The Cat Beings through Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

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