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October 27, 2021

CAT BEINGS ORACLE - SPECIAL MESSAGE - October 27, 2021 - "The portals or doors between the worlds are opening fully globally this October/November and into 2022, continuing for months and years to come into a variety of dimensions. Rather than like a switch being flipped which is sudden and dramatic, the energy shall build, peek, ebb and flow as the fairy, elven, integral and elemental realms ally with each other to make way for and bring in the Cosmic energies of Balanced Reciprocity.

The Human Kingdom's role in this is to 'hold space' acting as a conduit for what is coming in to be fully anchored in all dimensions (especially 3D). The more members of the Human Kingdom 'holding heart space' devoid of ego agenda, the more smooth and easy these energies shall enter in, anchor and flow, as cosmically designed. Shifts are here. The choice is whether they will be experienced as flow in love or as fear, restriction or entrapment. All is self responsible free will choice." The Cat Beings through Mary Elizabeth Hoffman * Copyright October 27, 2021*All Rights Reserved. Oracles and Special Messages Archived at the website



September 28, 2021


CAT BEINGS ORACLE - Sept 28 - Oct 18, 2021 - Mercury Retrograde in early Libra going back into late Virgo signaling a time of re-evaluating one's vision with opportunties available to adjust, restructure, reorder and reorganize it so it more fully fulfills your Soul Heart's Destiny. From now through the month of October 2021 all is under the influence of Mercury Retrograde in Libra. Going direct on October 18, it returns to station of its original beginning retrograde motion November 3, 2021. This is a time of discovering the beauty, love, Balanced Reciprocity and harmony in life and ferreting out the people, places, things, situations and circumstances which detract from it. Copyright September 25, 2021*Mary Elizabeth Hoffman*All Rights Reserved. Oracles published monthly in the Sedona Journal of Emergence. Subscribe to get yours early. Complete Oracles Archived at the website



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