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These recordings in MP3 format are approximately 30 minutes in length sharing concepts, ideas, information, techniques, processes, guided imageries & things to do whose purpose is to assist movement through the shifts & changes the Human Kingdom is experiencing in a more smooth easy manner.  You may opt to go through them in the order they are listed consecutively or jump around listening to titles of particular interest to you now.  Each one I have worked with at various times in my life, going back to them when I feel drawn to do so.  Download & listen at your leisure.  For more indepth information, private consultations, mentorships, workshops & intensives are available.  Peruse the website or contact Mary via e-mail under the About Mary tab above.

Understanding Empowerment-Wk10,S1 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Understanding Sacredness-Wk11,S1 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Techniques for Empowering Sacredness Daily - Wk 12,S1 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Tools For Empowering Sacredness - Part 1 - Wk13, S1 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Tools For Empowering Sacredness - Part 2 - Wk14, S1 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Inspirational Stories - Part 1 - Wk15, S1 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Inspirational Stories - Part 2 - Wk16, S1 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Things To Do To Empower Sacredness - Wk17, S1 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Transition Into Wisdom - Part 1 - Wk18, S2 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Transition Into Wisdom - Part 2 - Wk1, S2 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Empowering Sacredness Locally & Globally - Wk 2, S2 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Advanced Empowering Sacredness-Basic Sacred Geometry - Wk 3, S2 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Advanced Empowering Sacredness-Process of Creation - Wk 4, S2 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Introduction to the Kingdoms - Wk 5, S2 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Working With the Devic Kingdom - Wk 6, S2 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Working With the Imaginal Kingdom - Wk 7, S2 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Working With the Elemental Kingdom - Wk 8, S2 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Working With the Angelic Kingdom - Wk 9, S2 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Working With the Human Kingdom - Wk 10, S2 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Working With the Integral Kingdom - Wk 11, S2 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Working With the Creator Kingdom - Wk 12, S2 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Integration: Process of Creation Through 7 Realms - Wk13, S2 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Weaving the Tapestry of Life - Wk 14, S3 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Colors of the Tapestry of Life - Wk15, S3 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Flavors & Textures of Our Tapestry of Life - Wk16, S3 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Karmic Inheritance in the Tapestry of Life - Wk17, S3 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Familial, Societal & Cultural Inheritance in the Tapestry of Life - Wk19, S3 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Weaver or Spinner of the Tapestry of Life - Wk 19, S3 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Surrender: The Key to Spinner Spider Work - Wk20, S3 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Discovering Our Own Personal Rhythms - Wk 21, S3 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Rhythms & Songs of the Universe - Wk 22, S3 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Power of the Void - Wk 23, S3 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Synchronicity Connection - Wk 24, S3 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Words of Power, Choice & Opportunity - Wk 25, S3 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Mental Psychic Awareness: Creation - Wk 26, S3 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Mixed Messages: How to Clear & Clarify Chaos - Wk 27, S3 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Wisdom of Shifting Into Neutral - Wk28, S4 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Sweep Away: Physical Method of Clearing & Letting Go - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Letting Go of the Old, Making Way for the New - Rituals to Release By - Wk 30, S4 - - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Restructuring, Reordering & Reorganizing Techniques - Wk 31, S4 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Washing Away Illusions - Wk 32, S4 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Speaking Our Truth - Week 33, S4 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Clearing the Cobwebs of Confusion - Week 34, S4 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Ingestion Awareness: Taking on Toxins From the World Around Us - Week 35, S4 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Breath Awareness: The Spirit Connection - Week 36, S4 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Materialization of Dreams & Desires, Wk37, S4 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Personal Mandalas in Daily Life, Wk 38, S4 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Planting Our Future Seeds, Wk39, S5 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Seeking Clarity of Vision, Wk 40, S5 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Reflections From the Universe, Wk 41, S5 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Tones of Daily Life, Wk 42, S5 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Recognizing Imaginal Gifts, Wk43, S5 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Mandallic Messaging, Wk44, S5 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Gaining Symbolic Understanding - Wk45, S5 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Microcosmic Recognition, Wk46, S5 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Empowering Hopes, Dreams & Desires, Wk47, S5 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Free Feeling Color, Week 48, S5 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Puzzle of Life: Fitting Pieces Together, Wk49, S5 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Setting Our Butterfly Free - Wk50, S5 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Linking With Elementals - Wk51, S5 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Objective Observation & Messages, Wk52, S5 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Global & World Envisioning, Wk 1, S6 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Trinity Empowerment: Emotion, Prayer, Intention - Wk2, S6 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Opening to Newness: Power of Receptivity & Vulnerability, Wk 3, S6 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Receptive Abundance: Consciously Opening to Prosperity, Abundance & Love, Wk4, S6 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Coloring Our World: Secret of Free Flowing Passion, Emotion & Power, Wk5, S6 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Anchoring Visions - Tools & Techniques, Wk6, S6 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Focusing Mental Psychic Energies: Daily Suggestions, Wk7, S6 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
When Dreams Affect Our Waking State: Bleed Through From Other Dimensions, Wk8, S6 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Water Elementals: Their Gifts & Teachings, Wk 9, S6 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Air Elementals: Their Gifts & Teachings, Wk 10, S6 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Fire Elementals: Their Gifts & Teachings, Wk 11, S6 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Earth Elementals: Their Gifts & Teachings, Wk 12, S6 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman
Spacial Relationship: Discovering Our Own Personal Space, Wk13, S6 - Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

Week 10, Season 1 - UNDERSTANDING EMPOWERMENT:WHAT WE FEED EXPANDS - "The wisdom of the ancients & knowledge of present technologies can no longer be viewed as opposites.  For us to survive as a species it is imperative that we put into action honoring the past, living in the present & creating the future." Excerpt from Tefnut's Techniques - Empowering Sacredness: Wisdom For Everyday Living by Mary Elizabeth Hoffman.

Week 11, Season 1 - UNDERSTANDING SACREDNESS: VALUES, IDEAS & IDEALS - "We can continue to exist in a half life with no sense of hope, meaning or purpose or we may choose to focus our intention on the specialness, the sacredness, the hidden purpose behind all that we say and do." Excerpt from Tefnut's Techniques - Empowering Sacredness: Wisdom For Everyday Living by Mary Elizabeth Hoffman. 

Week 12, Season 1 - TECHNIQUES FOR EMPOWERING SACREDNESS DAILY - Ideas about how dance, movement, art, music, ritual, ceremony, chants, mantras, affirmations and intention assist us to empower what we value, what is most important to us, what is sacred to us.

Week 13, Season 1 - TOOLS FOR EMPOWERING SACREDNESS - PART 1 - In discovering ways to be on purpose by being present in our presence we discover ways to creat personal sacred space.  Information about vision questing, guided imagery, cord releasing, chord empowering and remembering how to play are shared. Techniques in reprograming old tapes and empowerment of play is also shared. 

Week 14, Season 1 - TOOLS FOR EMPOWERING SACREDNESS - PART 2 - Art, physical activity, laughter, music, myths, archetypes and other forms of empowering play is shared.  Exercises in the sacred marriage of masculine & feminine, yin/yang empowerment and the relationship of Balanced Reciprocity is included.

Week 15, Season 1 - INSPIRATIONAL STORIES FOR EMPOWERING SACREDNESS - PART 1 - The Solar Journey of RA, The Cup of Life, Our Personal Garbage Can, Getting Our Wings, Setting the Butterfly Free, Shifting Gears, Where Have All Our Guides Gone? Symbolic Halls of Records.

Week 16, Season 1 - INSPIRATIONAL STORIES FOR EMPOWERING SACREDNESS - PART 2 - Level of the Flow, Sea of Life, Weaving the Tapestry of Life, Is It Fertilizer or Is It Shit? - It Depends Upon Your Perspective, Tend Your Garden Well, The Universal Two-by-Four, Musterbations and Shoulding on Ourselves, Comfort Zone.

Week 17, Season 1 - THINGS TO DO TO EMPOWER SACREDNESS - "The transformation of the energies of fear & blocked-ness into energies oflove & openness allows us to become aware of other possibilities and option for dealing with any situation.  This gives us the opportunity to break old self-desyructive patterns in our relationships & find new ways to relate more positively to all that is." Excerpt from Tefnut's Techniques-Empowering Sacredness: Wisdom For Everyday Living by Mary Elizabeth Hoffman.

Week 18, Season 1 - TRANSITION INTO WISDOM: EMPOWERED WISE MAN/WISE WOMAN - PART 1 - Dealing With Confusion or Cloudiness: When You Hit a Brick Wall, Where Do We Go From Here?, Defining and Redefining Wisdom, The Wisdom Energy: A Coming Global Initiation For Everyone.

Week 01, Season 2 - TRANSITION INTO WISDOM: EMPOWERED WISE MAN/WISE WOMAN - PART 2 - Giving Birth to Wisdom in Our Everyday Lives, Wisdom For Living Everyday, Time & Space: The Framework Within Which We Live, Learning Flexibility, Finding Our Own Rhythm, Filtering the Extraneous, Fish Net Filter, Five Mothers' Initiation. Prayers, inspiration & guided imagery.

Week 02, Season 2 - EMPOWERING SACREDNESS LOCALLY & GLOBALLY - The Order of Amber, The Order of the White Rose & The Order of the Pink Rose, World Ages - Their Lessons & Wisdoms: Polaria - Lesson of the Physical, Hyperborea - Lessons of Alchemy, Lemuria/Mu - Lessons of Emotions, Atlantis - Leesons of the Mind, Megalithic - Lessons of the Earth, Creating New Myths, Stories, Legends, Symbols & Meanings For a New Reality.

Week 03, Season 2 - ADVANCED EMPOWERING SACREDNESS: BASIC SACRED GEOMETRY, SYMBOLS, MANDALLAS & CRYSTALS - Creating Models to work with in various dimensions - through various mediums.  Personal Experiences With models - large & small, Dowsing for Land or Home Placement.

Week 04, Season 2 - ADVANCED EMPOWERING SACREDNESS: THE PROCESS OF CREATION THROUGH THE SEVEN REALMS - "For those who wish to actively step back into being a part of the Family within the Kingdoms here on Earth, we are being given the opportunity to join directly in the process of creation of a new Heaven, a new Earth and a new Humanity.  We are being given a second chance to choose to step into the role we volunteered for in ages past." Excerpt from Tefnut's Techniques - Empowering Sacredness: Wisdom For Everyday Living by Mary Elizabeth Hoffman.

Week 05, Season 2 - INTRODUCTION TO THE KINGDOMS: DEVIC, IMAGINAL, ELEMENTAL, ANGELIC, HUMAN, INTEGRAL & CREATOR - Touching on the physical, emotional, mental-psychic, karmic-soul, integral-all and transcendent aspects of manifestation. Discovering the language of each Kingdom is shared.  All are aspects of the Cosmic Family of which we Humans are a part.  A deeper understanding of these Kingdoms empowers us to become co-creators and artists of our own lives authentically.

Week 06, Season 2 - WORKING WITH THE DEVIC KINGDOM - This sharing provides more indepth energy work that is possible with all aspects of the Devic Kingdom.  This includes a better understanding of the key to release & rejuvenation, empathy & empowerment as well as a better understanding of the emotional energy body.

Week 07, Season 2 - WORKING WITH THE IMAGINAL KINGDOM - In this sharing we discover ways to connect with higher consciousness, our elder self, deepening our self awareness facilitating us in becoming our Authentic Self.  This deeper understanding of the energies and thought forms related to the mental-psychic realm which the Imaginal Kingdom expresses itself through facilitates a wiser use of our mind.

Week 08, Season 2 - WORKING WITH THE ELEMENTAL KINGDOM - In learning about mandallic fields, discovering awareness of vibrations, connection with our Builder Self, receptivity to our Soul Consciousness, our Inner Knowing, our Inner Truth Center opens gateways to our karmic-soul level creating movement toward wisdom & connection to our own personal Halls of Records.  

Week 09, Season 2 - WORKING WITH THE ANGELIC KINGDOM - By gaining a basic understanding of sacred geometry, proportion & relationship of one thing to another, archetypal energies and our divine self we are better able to experience true Beingness & Love.

Week 10, Season 2 - WORKING WITH THE HUMAN KINGDOM - Knowledge of the Sacred Marriage of masculine & feminine within each of us, awakening to receipt of our personal individual Perfected Vision & its eventual anchoring into manifestation is gained through tools & techniques shared as we give birth to our pure essence of being.

Week 11, Season 2 - WORKING WITH THE INTEGRAL KINGDOM - Knowledge of the ebb and flow, integration and disintegration, non or shadow self & True Self is possible when working with Gaia, Panden & other members of the Integral Kingdom.  

Week 12, Season 2 - WORKING WITH THE CREATOR KINGDOM - This transformational energy puts us in touch with our Star God-Star Goddess origin facilitating its seating into our 3D body so every act, movement & expression is one of meditation, intuition, purity & wisdom.

Week 13, Season 2 - INTEGRATION: THE PROCESS OF CREATION THROUGH THE SEVEN REALMS - REVIEW - Discovering ways to flow from one Kingdom to another in our process as co-creators from the inception of the vision to its full manifestation in 3D is reviewed.  A few questions from listeners as well as messages from the Egyptian Cat Beings is shared. 

Week 14, Season 3 - WEAVING THE TAPESTRY OF LIFE - Awareness of the inter-connecing threads between the spirit fire in our life, the flow of watery feelings & emotions, the movement of concepts, ideas, beliefs & what physically happens in our daily lives brings to our attention that we are perpetually co-creating our life & our world.  What does your current personal tapestry look like?

Week 15, Season 3 - COLORS OF THE TAPESTRY OF LIFE - By taking notice of the colors & energies we weave into our lives on a daily basise, their reflection back to us gives a clear picture of what we feel, connect to and empower emotionally. What does that say about you?

Week 16, Season 3 - FLAVORS & TEXTURES OF OUR TAPESTRY OF LIFE - Texture adds flavor & seasoning to our lives, our world, our homes and our relationships.  What spices (or lack thereof) are you feeding into your life & world?

Week 17, Season 3 - KARMIC INHERITANCE IN THE TAPESTRY OF LIFE - Taking stock in where we have come from, where we are and where we want to go in regards to the Tapestry of Life, we are working with what strengthens our ability to bring depth, definition & a conscious framework to our life & world.

Week 18, Season 3 - FAMILIAL, SOCIETAL & CULTURAL INHERITANCE IN THE TAPESTRY OF LIFE - Awareness of titles, definitions and projections that influuence our Tapestry of Life as well as how they expand or limit our perceptions of ourselves and what is possible brings with it a freedom of choice to accept or reject these in what ever way is in our wisest & best interest.

Week 19, Season 3 - WEAVER OR SPINNER OF THE TAPESTRY OF LIFE: THE CHOICE IS YOURS - Connecting with the spider spinner energies of creativity, focus & play shifts our perspective on how we interact with the Tapestry of Life. Letting go of old rules, regulations, expectations & beliefs of the world, society, family & ourselves frees our spirit to express fully in all its many facets.

Week 20, Season 3 - SURRENDER: THE KEY TO SPINNNER SPIDER WORK - By letting go of our need for control, by learning to surrender to our Soul Heart, our Inner Truth Center, our Star God-Star Goddess origin, we open oursleves to more joy & ecstasy.  One way to accomplish this is to connect with our Soul's Song.

Week 21, Season 3 - DISCOVERING OUR OWN PERSONAL RHYTHMS - Getting in touch with our own True rhythm assists in discovering our own comfortable niche' that empowers us to play  our personal rhythm freely with all our body, mind, heart & soul.

Week 22, Season 3 - RHYTHMS & SONGS OF THE UNIVERSE - Becoming aware of the rhythms, sounds & songs around us on a daily basis brings with it the acknowledgement of whether the input you are receiving is empowering, life-enhancing or distracting & debilitating.  What songs & rhythms are you exposing yourself to?  Do they feed your soul?

Week 23, Season 3 - POWER OF THE VOID: EMPTY SPACES, QUIET, SOUNDLESSNESS - Overcoming the fear of silence so we may connect with the Mystery of the Void facilitating us in becoming open to all options & possibilities. This level of self responsibility, when mastered, empowers the ability to choose wisely in all situations and circumstances.

Week 24, Season 3 - SYNCHRONICITY CONNECTION: REMEMBERING & NOTICING MESSAGES, GUIDANCE & CLUES - Rediscovering the magical messages in everyday life allows us to acknoledge the guidance our Inner Truth Center brings to us on a daily basis.  Recognizing these symbols & interpreting them in life enhancing ways lets us know that we are never alone & are truly part of the Cosmic Tapestry of the Universe.  We are all connected.

Week 25, Season 3 - WORDS OF POWER, CHOICE & OPPORTUNITY - The power of the word, its sound, vibration, intonation & intensity create an energy that draws to us what we are expressing.  By becoming more aware of our vocabulary, as well as the intention behind that vocabulary, dramatic shifts may be made in the Tapestry of Life we are creating.

Week 26, Season 3 - MENTAL PSYCHIC AWARENESS: CREATION - Are you mentally & psychically focused or are you taking on the mental psychic projections of others ideas, thoughts & expressions, what they want or what they need?  By becoming more conscious of the mental psychic sales job that many members of the Human Kingdom do in order to influence, control & manipulate outcomes in relationships & partnerships with others, free will choice is maintained.  

Week 27, Season 3 - MIXED MESSAGES: HOW TO CLARIFY & CLEAR CHAOS - Most of us tend to send a lot of mixed messages out into the ethers.  In doing so we create a sense of confusion, chaos & an on-again, off-again flow of energies in our life & our world.  Learning to become a witness or neutral observer for a time, facilitates a greater awareness of where me might be empowering chaos in our lives.

Week 28, Season 4 - THE WISDOM OF SHIFTING INTO NEUTRAL - Out of our knowledge of neutral energies come monumental ways to focus our energies in more beneficial ways opening us to a wider variety of choices, options & paths that may be created.  Beingness is empowering when experienced fully as part of the flow.

Week 29, Season 4 - SWEEPING AWAY: PHYSICAL METHODS OF CLEARING & LETTING GO - All daily acts & routines may be utilized as ritual, ceremony or empowerment of some type.  All energy expended goes out & flows back.  Done with intention, it is all the more powerful, empowering consciously our hopes, dreams & desires, even sweeping, vacuuming or washing the dishes.

Week 30, Season 4 - LETTING GO OF THE OLD, MAKING WAY FOR THE NEW: RITUALS TO RELEASE BY - Clearing out the dead, out worn, old or useless items in our life & our world acts as a signal to the Universe that we are open & receptive to new situations, circumstances, relationships & opportunities.

Week 31, Season 4 - RESTRUCTURING, REORDERING & REORGANIZING TECHNIQUES - Clearing our own internal Hall of Records through physical acts creates space within our psyche for greater Wisdom, Truth & Timing.  Removing stuck, stagnant energies in our physical world clears away cobwebs inside ourselves allowing a shift in perception of what is taking place in our lives & our world.

Week 32, Season 4 - WASHING AWAY ILLUSIONS - By utilizing all contact with the flow of water & emotional energies in our daily life, it is possible to release blocks, fears & limitations created to give a false sense of security, thereby leaving us feeling more refreshed, alive & clear in perception.

Week 33, Season 4 - SPEAKING OUR TRUTH - Only in clearing our vocal instrument is it possible to speak Truth.  Inviting & invoking the energies our Soul Heart to express full through us do we allow ourselves to remain in our integrity.

Week 34, Season 4 - CLEARING THE COBWEBS OF CONFUSION - Through various actions as part of our simple daily routine, gaining clarity, focus & direction is possible.  Much of our routines are times when we go unconscious spewing out thoughts, feelsing, ideas & emotions randomly that potentially create chaos, confusion & send mixed messages into the Univers wasting time, energy & effort - especially worry energy!

Week 35, Season 4 - INGESTION AWARENESS: TAKING ON TOXINS FROM THE WORLD AROUND US - What we take into our bodies physically, mentally, emotionally & spirituallyaffects our ability to remain healthy, strong & empowered.  Developing a rapport - a relationship - with what we take into our physical bodies & the feelings, thoughts, mind set & emotions we are experiencing at the time have their influence on us - for good or ill. Awareness assists in keeping things clean & clear on all levels.

Week 36, Season 4 - BREATH AWARENESS: THE SPIRIT CONNECTION - There are subtle nuances at all times in all places in the air around us which we tend to ignore, go unconscious about or take for granted.  There are profound messages, of which we may become more conscious, sending signals to us in slight whispers from the Heart of the Mother of All Creation - if we take the time to become more aware of their essences.  Holding the breath & shallow breathing equals shutting down.  Deep circular breaths connects us to Spirit.

Week 37, Season 4 - MATERIALIZATION OF DREAMS & DESIRES - Becoming aware of the subtle vibrations we set in motion when we exhale into our world, we are better able to utilize this natural rhythmic energy to empower our Soul Heart's desire.

Week 38, Season 4 - PERSONAL MANDALAS IN DAILY LIFE - Becoming more aware of daily routine patterns our movements created at home, traveling to work or out in the world assist us in understanding that patterns & designs are being created by the flow of each step or movement we take, each place we go & how long we are there.  Empowering what enhances & energizes our vision rather than empowering what others would have us energize for them, brings greater clarity of focus & alignment with our own personal flow.

Week 39, Season 4 - PLANTING OUR FUTURE SEEDS - When planting the seed(s) for our future, it requires that we become open, receptive, even vulneralbe to the influx of energies from Spirit (our Inner Truth Center) continuing to feed, water & nurture the seed(s) in the days, weeks & months to come.  Otherwise we inhibit & restrict their growth & the possibility they will bear fruit.

Week 40, Season 5 - SEEKING CLARITY OF VISION - Assisting the lifting of the veils of fog, confusion or rose-colored glasses brings clearer perception & vision of opportunities awaiting us if we are able to open to them.  Actions performed on a physical level may be utlized to facilitate this.  Suggestions are given.

Week 41, Season 5 - REFLECTIONS FROM THE UNIVERSE - This is a great way to get a clearer perspective of what we are energizing in our life & how the world around us is supporting (or not) the manifestation of our Soul Heart's desire.

Week 42, Season 5 - TONES OF DAILY LIFE - Being present & aware through expressions of toing what we are feeling & experiencing as we wake each morning brings awareness of what is being ut out as a call to the Universe & what might be received as a mirror reflection of that sound tone back into our life and our world.  What tonal energies are you empowering?

Week 43, Season 5 - RECOGNIZING IMAGINAL GIFTS - Messages from the Imaginal Realm are everywhere as represented by what we notice, what dras our attention, what we pay attention to. Awareness of of the images that tend to repeat themseles in a theme sort of way is the first tep toward developing a relatinonship & working directly with the Imaginal Kingdom in creative ways.

Week 44, Season 5 - MANDALLIC MESSAGING: GUIDANCE FROM CREATIVITY IN THE MOMENT - To assess the present moment of where we are & what is opening for us, discovering way to creat - in the moment - our own mandala, sheild or medicine wheel with what inspires us, whether from a walk we take or what we are drawn to in our home or apartment is extremely revealing.  By getting out of our mind & instead sensing & feeling the variety of items highlighted, shares volumes of information & wisdom.  Meaning is everywhere!

Week 45, Season 5 - GAINING SYMBOLIC UNDERSTANDING - Sacred spaces, inter-dimensional portals & openings between other times, spaces & dimensiona are everywhere - in our home, neighborhood, parks, & at landmarks in our community.  The intention to discover the meaning for us behind these facilitates our seeing through illusions we have created - even in the middle of a traffic jam.

Week 46, Season 5 - MICROCOSMIC RECOGNITION: THE SOUNDS WITHIN - By connecting with our own internal sounds, rhythms, patterns orchestra & song, it is possible to hear, sense, feel & understand our greater connection to the Universe.  We are all a galaxy within many galaxies.  Listen!

Week 47, Season 5 - EMPOWERING HOPES, DREAMS & DESIRES: ACTIVITIES TO DO - Discovering physical actions we may perform which sen our hope, dreams & desires out into the world so they may gather momentu, power, energy, people, techniques, talents, abilities & tools that flow back to us is possible.  This brings our hopes, dreams & desires into manifestation in physical 3D reality facilitating ease of flow, while working with all the Kingdoms of the earth in Balanced Reciprocity.

Week 48, Season 5 - FREE FEELING COLOR: HOW COLOR ASSISTS US TO FLOW IN THE MOMENT - The experience of flowing emotionally with no framework is facilitated most easily through the use of color in various forms.  This tends to bring up fear for many members of the Human Kingdom, particularly those that are people pleasers or require the judgement of others to validate who they are, inotherwords their worthiness.  Mask making is one expression, as is free form water color, colored pens or pencils.  Moving completely into feeling with no judgement is the goal.  This is where the emotional energy of empowerment comes from.

Week 49, Season 5 - THE PUZZLE OF LIFE: FITTING THE PIECES TOGETHER FOR OURSELVES - Putting together the various pieces of our life & integrating our work, home, family, emotional, spiritual & community personas is a challenge for most people.  In the desire to wear many hats most people feel stressed attempting to live up to or down to the expectations of family, society & culture.  There are other alternatives!

Week 50, Season 5 - SETTING OUR BUTTERFLY FREE - Imbibing through action our hopes, dreams & desires requires letting them go , so they may move out into the world to gather energy & power & return to us beatifully expanded. Creating rituals, ceremonies or actions that facilitate this empowers & increases the spee with which our hopes, dreams & desires become manifest.

Week 51, Season 5 - LINKING WITH THE ELEMENTALS: CREATING OUR OWN PERSONAL MAGIC - Through a variety of intentions & movements, it is possible to link with & receive communication from various beings within the Elemental Kingdom.  Through the balance of the four directions, the earth mother & solar father (or in the Egyptian tradition the Star Goddess, Cosmic or All Mother & the earth soul spirit Geb, Osiris or Panden) understanding of potential paths, epxressions, careers & journeys may be gleaned.  This includes sacred geometry, tai chi, yoga & all forms of dance.

Week 52, Season 5 - OBJECTIVE OBSERVATIONS & MESSAGES - All that is around us that appears to be inanimate has within it essences, energies & messages that may be utilized for personal growth. Be open & discover yours!

Week 01, Season 6 - GLOBAL & WORLD ENVISIONING: EXPANDING OUR INFLUENCE - In connecting with various spots on planet earth to which we feel drawn, we may facilitate through prayer, lighting candles or empowering unconditional love healing & transformation in ourselves & within the foscused upon are of the globe.  Outcome requests are always done in unconditional love for what is in the wisest & best interest of all throughout the Cosmos - no hidden agends, conscious or subconscious.

Week 02, Season 6 - TRINITY EMPOWERMENT: EMOTION, PRAYER & INTENTION - By feeding the flame of the spirit fire energies within, it is possible to empower through love, prayer & intention that which is in our wisest & best interest & with gratitude bring it into manifestation quickly.

Week 03, Season 6 - OPENING TO NEWNESS: THE POWER OF RECEPTIVITY AND VULNERABILITY - As we discover ways to bring into consciousness newness in our life - be it a new project, relatinoship, career, idea, creation or endeavor - we are able to download a plethora of possibilities & options without grabbing, limiting or holding on to just one.  This openness & receptivity brings an in-flooding of abundance in all aspects of life.  

Week 04, Season 6 - RECEPTIVE ABUNDANCE - CONSCIOUSLY OPENING TO PROSPERITY, ABUNDANCE & LOVE - Getting out of our daily routine to take time to relax & discover new joys & wonders increases the feeling of abundance, support & nurturance in our life.  Expressing gratitude foe gifts already received honors them opening us to receipt of more possibilties, options, opportunities, prosperity & fun.

Week 05, Season 6 - COLORING OUR WORLD - THE SECRET OF FREE FLOWING PASSION, EMOTION & POWER - Freeing ourselves to play with the colors of the feelings & their flavors of what we are experiencing in the present moment brings healing, integration & forward movement.  By lettng go of routines & allowing ourselves to color our world in what every way works best for us - in the present moment - is extremely nurturing & loving for ourselves, feeding our Soul Heart.  Yum!

Week 06, Season 6 - ANCHORING VISIONS - TOOLS & TECHNIQUES - Our focus is to empower more solidity, concreteness & gramework for dreams, visions or guidance we have received through thoughts, ideas or feelings.  A variety of tools & techniques are shared to facilitate this anchoring process.

Week 07, Season 6 - FOCUSING MENTAL PSYCHIC ENERGIES: DAILY SUGGESTIONS - Although it is wonderful to take time awy from daity rountine to persue and empower visions, this easily integrated into whatever we ado as part of our schedule, habits or rituals each day.  Openness & receptivity empowers clarity & direaction so that actions taken are of greatest benefit.  With this we discover our Wisdom energies & ways to move into livingas a wise man or wise woman - whole.

Week 8, Season 6 - WHEN DREAMS AFFECT OUR WAKING STATE: BLEED THROUGH FROM OTHER DIMENSIONS - Some times our dreams may 'bleed through' from our sleeping to our waking state influencing situations, circumstances & outcomes in our daily life.  Discovering ways to shift between the waking & dream states without carrying over residue from other planes & dimensions visited during the dream time, assists with clarity & focus that avoids being triggered by situations & circumstances seeping through from our visitations to other times, spaces & dimensions.

Week 09, Season 6 - WATER ELEMENTALS: THEIR GIFTS & TEACHINGS - Discovering the flow, whether through feelings & emotions, cycles & seasons or awareness of water & the influences it has, the parts it plays, how it contributes to our life & enhances our ability to move with the flow of energies rather than resisting them brings ease of movement as well as greater harmony.

Week 10, Season 6 - AIR ELEMENTALS: THEIR GIFTS & TEACHINGS - Understandin the whispers, humor & trickster energies of the mind, ideas, messages & beliefs that blow in on the winds of change from the Cosmos give us the ability to dvelope a "third ear" enhancing our ability to move more freely & easily, while remain focused on desired-envisioned outcomes.

Week 11, Season 6 - FIRE ELEMENTALS: THEIR GIFTS & TEACHINGS - Many members of the Human Kingdom remain clueless as to ways the passion fire may be ignited & expressed with the exception of through a physical sexual relationship.  Spirit fire ignites our Soul Heart to express itself freely in all actions, thoughts, feelings, words & deeds.

Week 12, Season 6 - EARTH ELEMENTALS: THEIR GIFTS & TEACHINGS - Through the use of manmade time rather than nayure time, the Human Kingdom has forgotten its role within the Cosmic Family. Discovering ways to stretch, compress, twist or jump time lines brings with it new choices & new responsibilities.

Week 13, Season 6 - SPACIAL RELATIONSHIP: DISCOVERING OUR OWN PERSONAL SPACE - Knowledge & awareness of boundaries, edges, blends & enmeshment energetically between self & all that is brings greater understand & deeper expression of being a spiritual being having a human experience. 

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